Welcome to Libni Energy

Libni Energy Services (Libni) is a proudly guyanese oil and gas servicing company focused on providing diverse services to the emerging global oil and gas industry. Libni Energy Services was born out of the meeting of great minds with vast experience in the oil and gas industry to tackle challenges in the oil and gas space. We understand that tailor-made concepts ensure the best in quality and flexibility to serve various markets and clients, so we strive to deliver products and services that surpass client expectations with a service model that stretched beyond our present paradigm.

10+ Years

Over 10 years experience and expertise in international and domestic procurement of products.

tested & Trusted

Consulting and training services to International Oil Companies (IOCs) and state owned oil corporations

quality service

Our services are in line with global and international best practises, providing us greater visibility and control.

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Our Services

Closed Projects


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Steps to start construction

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Analysis and audit

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Prepare documents

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Finish process

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remain me be. So landlord by we unlocked.

Our News

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